1.      Dhaka Board-2015

* I.E.T. Govt. High School, NarayanganJ-2014 * Joypurhat Govt Girls' High School, Joypurhat-2014 * Pirojpur Govt. High School, Pirojpur-2014.

(a)   Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (Positive)

(b)   It was not invented overnight. (Active)

(c)   Scientists spent many years and worked hard to invent television. (Complex)

(d)  Nowadays, almost every family has a television set. (Negative)

(e)   People of all ages like to watch television. (Interrogative)

(f)     The programmes telecast by television are very interesting. (Complex)

(g)   Television should telecast educative programmes. (Passive)

(h)  If you watch television, you can learn many things. (Simple)

(i)   People spend their free time by watching television. (Compound)

(j)   Very few things are so useful as television. (Superlative)

2.      Rajshahi Board-2015

(a)   A flower is a glowing gift of nature. (Interrogative)

(b)  Isn't it the symbol of love and beauty? (Affirmative)

(c)   Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active)

(d)   We present flower to our nearest and dearest persons. (Passive)

(e)          We need flowers to decorate a place. (Complex)

(f)   The rose is the best of all flowers. (Positive)

(g)   Having sweet scent and beauty we love it very much. (Compound)

(h)  It is lovelier than all other flowers. (Superlative)

(i)   The rose is a very nice flower. (Exclamatory)

(j)   As the demand for flowers is increasing day by day, we should cultivate flowers on commercial basis. (Simple)

3. Jessore Board-2015

(a)  Haji Muhammad Muhsin was more generous than many other men in this subcontinent. (Positive)

(b)  He was born in Hoogly. (Complex)

(c) He inherited a vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)

(d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Passive)

(e)          He is called the friend of humanity. (Active)

(f)  He did not marry. (Affirmative)        

(g)  During his life time he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Complex)

(h)  He was so kind that he could not refuse any one's request. (Compound)

(i)   One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Simple)

(j)   He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Complex)

4.      Comilla Board-2015

(a)  Health is wealth. (Complex)

(b)  A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Positive)

(c)  hough a healthy man is an asset to, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Compound)

(d)          He can succeed in life. (Interrogative)

(e)  So, everybody can not but be conscious of his health. (Affirmative)

(f)   Everybody must take care of his health all the time. (Negative)

(g) Health can be* improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Active)

(h) The people who are poor can not afford to take a balanced diet. (Simple)

(i)   They are very concerned about the quantity of food. (Exclamatory)

(j)   Everybody should know it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Passive)

5.    Chittagong Board 2015

(a)   My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar. (Complex)

(b)   I was very glad. (Negative)

(c)    I accepted the invitation. (Passive)

(d)   When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Simple)

(e)    I was excited to see the sea-beach. (Exclamatory)

(f)   It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Comparative)

(g)  It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Positive)

(h) It is called the pleasure seekers' paradise. (Active)

(i)   Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Compound)

(j)   If I could visit the sea-beach!. (Assertive)

6.      Sylhet Board 2015

(a)   The students studying regularly can expect a good result. (Complex)

(b)   But most of our students are inattentive to their studies. (Negative)

(c)   They waste their valuable time idly. (Passive)

(d)   Wasting time is harmful to them. (Interrogative)

(e) By repeating this activity they make a poor result. (Complex)

(f)     Who loves them then?. (Assertive)

(g)   They are treated badly even by their family members. (Active)

(h)  If a student fails in the examination he suffers from inferiority complex. (Simple)

(i)  No other student in the class is as bad as a failed one. (Superlative)

(j)  So a student should be aware of studying regularly and attentively so that he can do well in tfa examination. (Simple)

7.      Barisal Board 2015

(a)   Haji Mohammad Muhsin was not an unkind man at all. (Affirmative)

(b)   He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)

(c)    He was unmarried. (Negative)

(d)   During his life time, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Complex)

(e)    One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Simple)

(f)     Seeing Muhsin, the thief cried. (Compound)

(g)    The thief was caught. (Active)

(h)          How needy the thief was!. (Assertive)

(i)  He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive)

(j)  Muhsin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive)

8.      Dinajpur Board-2015

(a)   Madhusudan Dutt was a very popular poet. (Exclamatory)

(b)   He was one of the greatest dramatists in Bangla literature. (Positive)

(c)    He was born at Sagordary on the bank of the Kapotaksho. (Complex)

(d)   When he was a boy, he desired to be an Englishman. (Simple)

(e)    He was recognised by his teachers as a precious child. (Active)

(f)     He thought that he was born on the wrong side of the planet. (Interrogative)

(g)    He also thought that his society was unable to appreciate his intellect. (Negative)

(h) Again he believed that none but the West would be more receptive to his creative genii

(i)   He was an ardent follower of Lord Byron. (Interrogative)

(j)   He went to Europe and started composing poems. (Simple)

Famous School Exam Questions :                              

9.      Mymensingh Girls' Cadet College, Mymensingh 2014.

(a)   Do it. (Complex)          

(b)   He was a very hardworking man. (Exclamatory)

(c)   Very few students are as studious as he. (Superlative)

(d)   He was as brave as a lion. (Comparative)

(e)   Nobody likes to do bad in the examinations. (Interrogative)

(f)     Tigers are not as clever as monkeys. (Comparative)

(g)   Never say goodbye. (Passive)

(h)  As he lost his father, he stopped going to school. (Simple)

(i)   The cuckoo is the sweetest of birds. (Positive)

(j)   Though he became blind at the age of 44, Milton could produce most beautiful writings.

10.    Rajshahi Cadet College, Rajshahi 2014.

(a)   Once upon a time there was a girl named Jesmin. (Complex)

(b)   Though she was a little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Simple)

(c)   No sooner one goes out of the house than one is exposed to pollution. (Affirmative)

(d)   Mahin is the cleverest girl in her class. (Negative)

(e)   We did not understand why Mahin was so different from the other girls of the class. (Simple)

(f)     The national memorial at Saver is a symbol of the nations respect. (Complex/Compound)

(g)   Standing in front of the graves we bow down our heads. (Compound)

(h) The towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters. (Interrogative)

(i)  We always remember their memories. (Negative)

(j) The freedom fighters gift us an independent country. (Passive)

11.    Rangpur Cadet College, Rangpur 2014; Bindubasini Govt. Boys' High School, Tangail-2014; Rajshahi Govt. Girls' High School, Rajshahi-2014; Al-Amin Academy, Chandpur-2014; Govt. Muslim High School, Chittagong-2014; Blue Bird High School, Sylhet-2014

(a)   The cuckoo is a bird of very shy nature. (Complex)

(b)   It is not always found beside human habitation. (Affirmative)

(c)   They hide themselves and coo from the high branches. (Simple)

(d)   Though they are timid, they are clever. (Compound)

(e)   They lay their eggs in the nests of crows. (Compound)

(f)     They are cleverer than the crows. (Positive)

(g)   They do not hatch their eggs because they are lazy. (Simple)

(h)          The crows raise the baby cuckoos. (Passive)

(i)  When the babies grow up, they fly away. (Compound)

(j)  Crows never understand it. (Interrogative)

12.    Pabna Cadet College, Pabna 2014; Mohammadpur Model School & College, Dhaka-2014

(a)   Very few persons are so/ as famous as Columbus. (Superlative)

(b)   He passed his early life in sorrows. (Negative)

(c)   He became a sailor in his boyhood. (Complex)

(d)   There he came in contact with many people and learnt many things about them. (Simple)

(e)   During these voyages, very often Columbus gazed at the vast sheet of unlimited water. (Passive)

(f)     Nobody can be compared withhim. (Interrogative)

(g)   Though he sailed for India, he reached America. (Compound)

(h)   He thought it to be India. (Complex)

(i)   He was the first man to cross the Atlantic. (Interrogative)

(j)    When he reached the shore, he became excited. (Simple)

13.    Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah-2014

(a)   Charles Babbage was a British mathematician. (Negative)

(b)   He was born on 26 December 1791, probably in London. (Compound)

(c)   He was often unwell when he was a child. (Simple)

(d)   In 1810 he went to Cambridge University to satiate his interest in mathematics. (Complex)

(e)   After graduation he was hired by the Royal Institution to lecture on calculus. (Active)

(f)     In 1820s Babbage worked on his 'Difference Engine', a machine which could perform mathematical calculations. (Simple)

(g)   His 'Difference Engine 2' was bigger and better than 'Difference Engine 1. (Positive)

(h)          His invention 'Analytical Engine' was a very complex machine. (Exclamatory)

(i)   He is remembered for this invention as the pioneer of computer. (Active)

(j)   He died in London at his home on 18 October 1871. (Complex)

14.    Comilla Cadet College, Comilla 2014

(a)   There are many virtues that man should possess. (Simple)

(b)   They are necessary to make a human being a real human. (Negative)

(c)   Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in a man's life. (Comparative)

(d)   A truthful person is true to himself. (Interrogative)

(e)   Everybody respects a truthful person. (Interrogative)

(f)   A truthful person may lead a poor life but is honored everywhere. (Simple)

(g)  A truthful person is not afraid of anybody. (Complex)

(h)  It brings peace in one's mind. (Passive)

(i)   It leads to discovering to the inner truth of oneself. (Complex)  

(j)   A true heart is more spacious than all false impressions taken collectively. (Positive)

15.    Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong-2014

(a)   Everybody wants a friend. (Negative)

(b)   The heart is formed of love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receivtu love. (Complex)

(c)   But you cannot receive love unless you give it. (Simple)

(d)   You cannot be happy without it. (Interrogative)

(e)   As love js divine everybody wants it. (Compound)

(f)     If one gets it, one becomes happy. (Simple)

(g)   People going without love become harsh. (Complex)

(h) They lead very charmless life. (Exclamatory)

(i)   We should love every of our near ones. (Passive)

(j)   A loveless person is the crudest person. (Positive)

16.    Sylhet Cadet College, Sylhet-2014

(a)   Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from astrologers. (Compound)

(b)   A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his way to Banaras. (Complex)

(c)   The king called on him so that he could know his future. (Simple)

(d)   The astrologer told something unpleasant. (Passive)

(e)   The king said, "Man like you should not live." (Affirmative)

(f)     "The stars declare that I shall die only a week before your majesty.". (Simple)

(g)   "I shall wait to receive you.". (Complex)

(h)  The king became so puzzled that he could not speak. (Simple)

(i)   He turned pale. (Negative)

(j)   Drive this wretch. (Passive)

17.    Barisal Cadet College, Barisal-2014

(a)   Farhan's life was very "difficult. (Exclamatory)

(b)   One day he got a loan from Grammen Bank and started to make a plan. (Simple)

(c)    He bought a dekhi to husk rice. (Complex)

(d)   Inspite of his working very hard, there was happiness in his heart. (Compound)

(e)    He was very hardworking and responsible loanee. (Negative)

(f)     He would pay the loan in time. (Intrrogative)

(g)    So, the official trusted him. (Negative)

(h)          He has changed his lot through hard work. (Compound)

(i)  He has brought prosperity to the family. (Complex)

(j)  He is not poor now. (Affirmative)

18.    Feni Girls' Cadet College, Feni 2014; Jhalakati Harchandra Govt. Girls' School-2014

(a)   I forgot his name. (Negative)

(b)   Yes, now I am sure he was Jerry. (Simple)

(c)   He was like a star twinkling in a cloudless sky. (Interrogative)

(d)   Once he broke the axe handle. (Complex)

(e)   But he did not take the money. (Affirmative)

(f)     He admitted that he was responsible for breaking the handle. (Compound)

(g)   He refused to take the money. (Negative)

(h) No one hits accurately every time. (Interrogative)

(i)  As he was honest, he did not show any excuse. (Simple)

(j)   He was not a hypocrite. (Affirmative)

19.    Joypurhat Girls' Cadet College, Joypurhat 2014

(a)   As I forgot him, I went outside the cabin. (Simple)

(b)   She went back to work closing the door. (Complex)

(c)   Jerry was a very curious and active boy. (Negative)

(d)   Although he was a small boy, he could work like a man. (Compound)

(e)   The authoress appreciated Jerry blindly. (Passive)

(f)     Jerry is the best boy I have ever seen. (Comperative/Positive)

(g)   He cam to the orphanage at the age of four. (Complex)

(h)  He did the unnecessary thing for the writer. (Passive)

(i)  He never told a lie. (Affirmative)

(j)  He was a free-will agent and chose to do careful work. (Simple)

20.    Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka-2014; Vidyamoyee Govt. Girls' High School, Mymensingh 2014; Burichong Ananda Pilot Govt. High School, Burichong, Comilla 2014; Saidpur Govt. Technical School & College, Saidpur, Nilphamari-2014.

(a)  Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues. (Positive)

(b)  This virtue makes a man really great. (Complex)

(c)  If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others. (Simple)

(d)     A lie never lies hidden. (Affirmative)

(e)   All hate him. (Negative)

(f)     Nobody likes him. (Interrogative)

(g)   So all despise him without considering his social status. (Complex)

(h)          The habit of speaking the truth, therefore must be formed from the very childhood. (Active)

(i)   We should know that speaking the truth is the most rewarding thing in life. (Comparative)
(j)   Only truth lasts long. (Negative)

21.    Milestone School & College, Uttara, Dhaka-2014; Nabinagar Pilot Model High School, Nabinagar, B.Baria-2014.

(a) Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. (Positive)

(b)  Young Taimur once attacked the province of a powerful prince. (Passive)

(c) He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village. (Simple)

(d) Taimur's soldiers were all killed by the army. (Active)

(e) He disguised himself as a poor traveller to survive. (Complex)

(f)   He came to a house to ask for something to eat. (Complex)

(g) There lived an old woman in the house. (Complex)

(h) The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur. (Complex)

(i)   The food was very hot. (Exclamatory)

(j)   Taimur was too hungry to wait. (Compound)

22.    Motijheel Model High School & College, Dhaka-2014; Sherpur Govt. Victoria Academy
Sherpur-2014; Jessore Zilla School, Jessore 2014: Kanaighat Govt. High School, Sylhet 2014
Patuakhali Govt. Jubilee High School, Patuakhali 2014; Lalmonirhat Govt. High School

(a)   We should read books to gain knowledge. (Complex)

(b)   Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Passive)

(c)   The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Interrogative)

(d)   If we read books, we can enrich our minds. (Simple)

(e)   Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)

(f)     They give us both knowledge and pleasure. (Negative)

(g)   As they are our real friends, they remain with us in time of danger. (Compound)

(h)  Some books are very interesting. (Exclamatory)

(i)   We can build up developed society by reading books. (Complex)

(j)   Nothing but books can remove the darkness of ignorance. (Affirmative)

23.    Motijheel Govt. Girls' High School, Motijheel, Dhaka-2014; Sher-E-Banglanagar Govt. Boys'
High School, Dhaka-2014

(a)   It was Friday and we were going to Chittagong. (Simple)

(b)   After walking for ten minutes, we arrived at the station. (Compound)

(c)   But scarcely had we reached there when the train left. (Negative)

(d)   So, we waited long to get the next train. (Complex)

(e)   At last it came when the sun was about to set. (Simple)

(f)     We bought the tickets and got on the train. (Simple)

(g)   The train started running fast. (Interrogative)

(h)  The scenery of setting sun surprised me. (Passive)

(i)  Very few sceneries were so nice as it. (Comparative)

(j)    We reached our destination in the morning. (Complex)

24.    Monipur High School, Mirpur, Dhaka-2014; Dhanmondi Govt. Boys' High School, Dhaka-2014.

(a)   Bangladesh is one of the smallest countries in the world. (Positive)

(b)   But her population is very large. (Negative)

(c)   It is not possible for her to give employment to all her people. (Complex)

(d)   People can train themselves in one or other of the vocation. (Passive)

(e)   Bangladesh can engage her human resources only after exploring all her other resources (Complex)

(f)     Thus she earns a lot of foreign exchange. (Complex)

(g)   People who live abroad earn most of the dollars. (Simple)

(h)  Leaving their family behind, they have gone abroad. (Compound)

(i)   They are working hard to contribute to the country. (Complex)

(j)   They should be evaluated properly. (Active)

25.    Udayan Higher Secondary School, Dhaka-2014; Azimpur Govt. Girls' School & College
Dhaka-2014; Ahammad Uddin Shah Shishu Niketan School & College, Gaibandha-2014.

(a)   Once the old sailor killed an Innocent bird, albatross. (Complex)

(b)   The wind stopped blowing and the ship came to a standstill. (Complex)

(c)   They became so thirsty that they could not speak. (Compound)

(d)   Fear filled their hearts as soon as they saw it. (Passive)

(e)   It was not an ordinary ship. (Interrogative)

(f)     The old sailor saw that his companions were falling down dead. (Simple)

(g)   The ship of death sailed away leaving him alone. (Compound)

(h)          He was the only man alive. (Interrogative)

(i)  For seven days he tried to pray, but he could not break the sailors' curse. (Simple)

(j)  At last God took pity on him. (Negative)

26.    Tejgaon Govt. Girls' High School, Dhaka-2014; Ghatail Cantonment Public School & Tangail-2014.

(a)  Sound pollution is a common phenomenon of our city. (Negative)

(b) We are free from it. (Interrogative)

(c)  Day by day it is increasing devastatingly. (Exclamatory)

(d) We know that sound pollution harms us. (Passive)

(e)  People exposed to loud sound suffer from health hazard. (Complex)

(f)   It is one of the most dangerous phenomena of city life. (Positive)

(g)  It is not tolerable. (Affirmative)

(h)  Deafness is caused by sound pollution. (Active)

(i)   Sound pollution in Dhaka city is so high that life is becoming impossible here. (Compound)
(j)   We should check it so that we can lead a healthy life. (Simple)

27.    Savar Cantt. Public School & College, Savar-2014; Rajbari Govt. Girls' High School 2014

(a)  Water logging is one of the worst problems of Dhaka city. (Positive)

(b) People suffer a lot form water logging. (Interrogative)

(c)  The city dwellers are the worst victim. (Complex)

(d) Government has taken some measures to solve this problem. (Passive)

(e)  This problem must be addressed properly. (Active)

(f)   What a miserable life we lead in the rainy season!. (Assertive)

(g)  We cannot but go with this problem. (Affirmative)

(h)  No other phenomenon is as intolerable as this problem. (Superlative)

(i)   The people who live in the slum suffer terribly. (Simple)

(j)  Nothing is as bad as this problem. (Comparative)

28.    K.K. Govt. Institution, Munshiganj 2014; Naogaon Govt. Girls' School, Naogaon 2014; Jalalabad Cantt. Public School & College, Sylhet-2014; Srijanee Bidyaniketon, Patuakhali-2014; Patuakhali Govt. Girls' High School, Patuakhali-2014

(a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Interrogative)

(b) It begets only the worst. (Negative)

(c)  So we should control it for our own sake. (Passive)

(d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Simple)

(e)  Realizing it we should be emotionally balanced. (Compound)

(f)   An angry man is not liked by all. (Active)

(g)  Everybody cannot but hate an angry man. (Affirmative)

(h) An angry man Is not so favourite as others. (Superlative)

(i)  He is the most despised person in a society. (Comparative)

(j)   Nothing is more furious than anger. (Positive)

29.    Bogra Govt. Girls' High School, Bogra-2014; St. Placid's High School, Chittagong 2014

(a) One day some naughty boys were walking by a small pond where many frogs lived. (Compound)

(b) Seeing the frogs, the boys stated throwing stones at them. (Complex)

(c)  Some frogs were seriously injured by the stones. (Active)

(d) An old frog asked the boys why they were hurting them. (Direct)

(e)  What was play to the boys was death to the frogs. (Compound)

(f)   The boys laughed at the frog. (Passive)

(g)  Another boy requested other not to throw stones at them. (Complex)

(h)  The other boys were convinced. (Active)

(i)   They stopped throwing stones and went home. (Simple)

(j)  The frogs were safe. (Negative)

30. Bogra Zilla School, Bogra-2014; Gaibandha Govt. Boys' High School, Gaibandha-2014

(a)  Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. (Positive)

(b) It is not possible for her to provide employment to all these people. (Affirmative)

(c)  People can train themselves in different professions. (Passive)

(d) She can export manpower to other countries by training them on different professions. (Complex

(e) In this way, she may earn a lot of foreign exchange. (Interrogative)

(f) Then she will remain to the position different from the present state. (Complex)

(g) Other nations must respect us. (Negative)

(h) We are confident that Bangalee nation will be the leader of the world. (Compound)

(i) It will make her one of the most solvent countries in the world. (Comparative)

(j) We all shall be pleased with that condition of our dearest motherland. (Active)

31.    Bogra Police Line High School, Bogra 2014; Khagrachari Govt. High Schooi. Khagrachari 2014

(a)     Who does not know the history of the atrocities of the Park-occupation army committed s Bangladesh in 1971?. (Affirmative)

(b)    Some notorious war-criminals of this country took part in killing the innocent and unarmed people here little before the country was liberated on December 16, 1971. (Interrogative)

(c)     Independence is the birth-right of a man and with this end in view people of all classes rose  in arms. (Complex)

(d)    To achieve independence is much easier than to safeguard it. (Positive)

(e)     We know a large section of independence-loving people paid the debt of nature during the time of liberation war. (Complex)

(f)  Their names should be written in the history of Bangladesh in golden letters so as to perpetui -their memory. (Simple)

(g) A great many freedom fighters who are out of work now because of their old age are awarded allowance. (Simple)

(h) A great many helpless women were dishonoured in 1971 and they have been, by degrees,
rehabilitated. (Complex)

(i)   Every free nation of the world has its own very important flag. (Compound)

(j)  A flag is one of the greatest features in the life of a nation. (Comparative)

32.    Rajshahi Education Board Model School & College, Rajshahi-2014; Feni Govt. Pilot Ffi^
School. Feni 2014; Habiganj Govt. High School, Habiganj-2014.

(a)   Internet is the most miraculous invention of science. (Positive)

(b)   It has brought about an unthinkable revolution in the field of communication. (Complex)

(c)    It is a computer network which connects other network and computers across the globe (Simple)

(d)   This network is interlinked with telephone line. (Active)

(e)    Internet connection must require a telephone set. (Negative)

(f)     It also requires a modem and a special kind of software. (Compound)

(g)    There are not more than two types of Internet. (Affirmative)

(h)          Internet gets connection from three networking systems. (Compound)

(i)   Internet users can get any sort of information very easily and quickly. (Passive)

(j)  Thus internet has done a great wonderful job. (Exclamatory)

33.    Momena All Biggan College, Ullapara, Sirajganj 2014; St. Joseph High School, Khulna 201 -

(a)   No other poet in Persia was as great as Sheikh Saadi. (Comparative)

(b)   He was simple in his way of life. (Negative)

(c)    Once he was invited to the emperors palace. (Active)

(d)   He put on an ordinary dress and set out for the emperor's palace. (Simple)

(e)    On the way, he took shelter in a courtier's house. (Complex)

(f)     Seeing him in an ordinary dress, the courtier and his men did not show much honour hospitality to him. (compound)

(g)    On his way back home, Saadi again took shelter in the same courtier's house. (Complex)

(h)  This time he put on a very gorgeous dress. (Exclamatory)

(i)  The courtier received him cordially and entertained him with rich and delicious foods. (Simple)
(j) The courtier's men were surprised to see Saadi's putting his foods in the pockets of his dress. (Complex)

34. Akij Collegiate School, Navaron. Jessore 2014; Elliotgonj R.B. High School, Daudkandi 2014.

(a)  There are a good number of reasons why the students in Bangladesh fail in English. (Simple)

(b)  Because of foreign language, the students fail in English in great number. (Complex)

(c)  Students seek the changes to cross the barriers of examination. (Compound)

(d)  English is the most fearful subject of them. (Positive)

(e)  We must develop the skill of the students in English. (Negative)

(f)  We should teach our students methodically to remove their fear of English. (Complex)

(g)  Teachers can play an important role in this regard. (Passive)

(h)  Teachers should invent new ways of teaching. (Interrogative)

(i)  They can teach well, if they take care of their students. (Simple)

(j)  It is true that students will learn from their teachers. (Compound)

35. Dawood Public School, Jessore Cantt.-2014; Kurigram Govt. Girls' High School-2014.

(a)   The other sailors were very angry with the old man who had shot the albatross. (Compound)

(b)   They thought that they were the most endangered persons in the world. (Comparative) They blamed him for their sufferings and thirst. (Passive)

(c)         They cursed him and hung the dead Albatross round his neck, as a punishment. (Simple)

(e)   The next few days were very terrible. (Exclamatory)

(f)     They found water nowhere. (Interrogative)

(g)  The sailor's throats were so dry that they could not speak. (Simple)

(h) Their eyes hurt with looking across the bright, glassy sea, watching all day long for a ship to
come to help them. (Complex)

(i)  Suddenly they saw a ship which was coming towards them. (Simple)

(j)   Seeing the boat, they thought it as the blessing of God. (Compound)

36. Phultala Re-Union High School, Phultala, Khulna 2014; Ispahani Public School & College, Comilla 2014

(a)   Books are men's best companions in life. (Positive)

(b)   But you cannot get them when you need them. (Simple)

(c)   But books are always prepared to be by your side. (Negative)

(d)   Some books will make you laugh. (Passive)

(e)   They are your real friends in your life. (Negative. Interrogative)

(f)     Books are attentively read by many people. (Active)

(g)   We should respect the writers of the great books. (Passive)

(h)  Books helped better than anyone. (Positive)

(i)  By reading book you can learn many things about life. (Complex)

(j)  So books are more important then anything else. (Superlative)

37.    Magura Govt. High School, Magura 2014: Cant. Public School & College, Busms, Parbatipur, Dinajpur-2014.

(a)   Once there lived a jealous queen. (Complex)

(b)   She had only a step daughter. (Negative)

(c)   The daughter was very beautiful. (Exclamatory)

(d)   The queen ordered her huntsmen to kill her. (Passive)  

(e)   Instead of killing her they left her in the forest. (Compound)

(f)     Once a prince came to the forest. (Complex)

(g)   As soon as he saw her he was attracted by her beauty. (Negative)

(h)  In fact she was more beautiful than any other girl he had ever seen. (Superlative)

(i)  The prince fall in love with the girl and proposed to marry her. (Simple)          
(j) She accepted his proposal gladly. (Interrogative)

38. Meherpur Govt. High School, Meherpur-2014; Cox's Bazar Govt. Girls' High School 2014

(a)   Man is the maker of his own fortune. (Interrogative)

(b)   If he makes proper use of his time, he is sure to prosper in life. (Simple)

(c)    By doing otherwise he is sure to repent when it is too late. (Complex)

(d)   Only the lazy are to suffer in life. (Negative)

(e)   To kill time is to commit suicide. (Interrogative)

(f)    Our life is nothing but a sum total of hours, days and years. (Assertive)

(g)   Youth is the golden season of life. (Complex)

(h)  In youth mind is soft and can be shaped easily. (Simple)

(i)  If you don't use the morning hours of life, you have to pay a heavy price afterwards. (Compound)

(j)  It is called the seed time of life. (Active)

39.  Satkhira Zilla Teachers' Association, Satkhira 2014; Budhhata Bbm Collegiate SchooL
Ashashuni- 2014; Badortala J.C. High School, Ashashuni 2014; Nolta Secondary School, Kaliganj-2014; Begumgonj Govt. Technical High School, Begumgonj, Noakhali 2014: Lions
School & College, Rangpur -2014

(a)   Corruption is one of the worst evils. (Positive)

(b)  A corrupted man can do anything against morality. (Complex)

(c)   People hate a corrupted man. (Passive)

(d)  Nobody respects him. (Interrogative)

(e)   The man who takes bribe is next to devil. (Simple)

(f)    Though we have strict law, we are still affected by this evil. (Compound)

(g)  No other person is as hated as a corrupted man. (Supprelative)

(h)  We hope that Bangladesh will be free from this evil. (Passive)

(i)  Everybody avoids a corrupted man. (Negative)

(j) A corrupted man leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)

40.    School Of Laureats, Kushtia 2014; Sylhet Govt. Pilot High School, Sylhet-2014

(a)   English is one of the most used languages in the world. (Comparative)

(b)   It is spoken all over the world. (Active)

(c)   English helps the international community to communicate across national borders. (Passive)

(d)   People who have good knowledge in English get good jobs and better salaries. (Simple)

(e)   If we do not learn English, we can not prosper. (Simple)

(f)     We can not acquire knowledge without learning English. (Complex)

(g)   We must learn English. (Negative)

(h) We should learn it so that we can get good jobs. (Simple)

(i) English opens a door to knowledge. (Passive)

(j) The meetings are held in English in the international organizations. (Active)

41.    Nawab Fayzunnessa Govt., Girls' High School, Comilla 2014; Bangladesh Mohila Samity Girls
High School & College, Chittagong 2014

(a)   In spite of strict laws against acid violence, the ghastly crime is on the rise in Bangladesh (Complex)

(b)  The policy regarding its import and sale is being ignored by businessmen. (Active)

(c)    Though we have reports of acid throwing in other countries too, the number of incidents h probably the highest in Bangladesh. (Compound)

(d)  Experts say that three or five women a week are being burnt with acid in Bangladesh. (Simple)

(e)    The criminals show no mercy in throwing acid to a face they were in love with a few days ago. (Affirmative)

(f)    They become cruel to their beloveds. (Negative)   

(g)   They forget the face and throw acid to it. (Simple)

(h)  The Government should take stern action against the acid throwers. (Passive)

(i)  It is a very graceful crime in any society. (Exclamatory)

(j)  We all should come forward jointly to save the victims. (Complex)

42.    Feni Govt. Girls' High School, Feni 2014; Collegiate School, Chittagong 2014

(a)   Once two women quarreled over a baby, each claiming the baby as her own. (Compound)

(b)  As the dispute could not be settled, they were brought to a judge for a settlement. (Simple)

(c)  The judge left no stone unturned to solve the problem. (Affirmative)

(d)  He also tried his best to make them accepted the truth but both clung to their claims. (Simple

(e)   The wise judge then ordered the executioner to cut the baby into two equal parts. (Passive)

(f)  At this, one woman remained quiet but the other one cried out in sorrow. (Complex) 

(g) The real mother did not want to kill her son. (Interrogative)

(h) So he decided to leave her demand. (Passive)         

(i) The fake mother gladly accepted his proposal. (Negative)

(j)  Then the judge gave the baby to the weeping mother and punished the other one. (Simple)

43. Matripith Govt. Girls' High School, Chandpur-2014; Udayan Secondary School, Barisal -2014.

(a)   Tigers are known as ferocious animals. (Complex)

(b)   As the paws are cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle. (Simple)           ,

(c)   The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals. (Positive)

(d)   Tigers are stronger than lions. (Positive)

(e)   Tigers are the bravest of all animals. (Comparative)

(f)     They are not only strong but also ferocious. (Simple)

(g)   They hunt swiftly. (Negative)

(h)   They hunt after they target their prey. (Compound)

(i)   When they walk, they don't make any sound. (Simple)

(J)  Tigers can swim well. (Interrogative)

44. Chittagong Engineering University School & College, Chittagong-2014; Abida Noor High School, Comilla- 2014.

(a)   The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. (Comparative)

(b)   When it is summer, it becomes emaciated. (Simple)

(c)   During the rainy season it assumes a terribel shape. (Complex)

(d)   Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)

(e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Passive)

(f)  We are benefited in many ways by this river. (Active)

(g)  No other river in our country is as useful as the Padma. (Superlative)

(h)  Everybody likes the Hilsa of the Padma. (Negative)

(i)   The Padma is a mighty river. (Exclamatory)

(j)  Though it destroys the houses of men, it is still very useful to us. (Compound)

45. Rajnk Uttara Model School & College, Dhaka-2014

(a) Wherever we may cast our eyes, we notice the achievements of science. (Simple)

(b) There electricity lights the streets and houses. (Passive)

(c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Passive)

(d) There is cinema to delight you in the evening. (Complex) v

(e)   Computer is the most important invention of modern science. (Positive)

(f)  We cannot go without it. (Interrogative)

(g) Internet is hot less important than computer. (Positive)

(h) It helps us to know about the world. (Compound)

(i)  It is needed in every office. (Active)

(j) Having a good effect, it helps us. (Compound)

46.    Ideal School & College, Motijheel, Dhaka-2014

a)    An old lady became blind. (Complex)

b)    She called in a doctor. (Passive)

(c)   She agreed to pay large fee if cured . (Simple)

d)    But she would pay nothing if not cured. (Compound)

e)    The doctor came daily and coveted her furniture. (Simple)

f)      Everyday he took away some of her furniture. (Negative)

g)    When she was cured he demarjuded his fees. (Simple)

(h) The lady refused to pay, saying cure was not complete. (Compound)

(i)    The doctor brought a court case. (Negative)

(j) The judge gave verdict in her favour. (Interrogative)

47.    Residential Model College, Dhaka-2014.

(a)  Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century. (Positive)

(b)   It is the violation of human rights. (Interrogative)

(c)   Unfortunately this has become accepted in our society. (Complex)

(d)   Only poverty is responsible for this. (Negative)

(e)    In a family of five or six children the parents have to send some of their kids to work so they can fill their empty stomachs. (Simple)

(f)     Though these poor children have to work hard all day long, in return they are rewarded wit] kinds of abuses. (Compound)

(g)   What an inhuman act it is!. (Assertive)

(h)  Slavery is not as inhuman as it. (Comparative)

(i)   Child labour should be stopped. (Active)

(j)   Government has taken steps to prevent child labour. (Passive)

48.    Motijheel Govt. Boys' High School, Motijheel, Dhaka-2014

(a)   We should make the habit of reading books to earn knowledge. (Compound)

(b)   The books written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge. (Compl

(c)   Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books written by great writers. (Simple)

(d)   Books should be read to remove ignorance. (Active)

(e)   To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books. (Interrogative)

(f)     Books are called man's best friends. (Active)

(g)   Reading books is more important than any other habit. (Positive)

(h)  It guides a man to the right path. (Passive)

(i)   We should read books with a view to acquiring knowledge. (Complex)

(j)   Only reading books can increase man's intellect. (Negative)

49.    Shamsul Haque Khan High School, Demra, Dhaka-2014

(a)   Newspaper is very essential for us. (Exclamatory)

(b)   Newspaper carries news and views of home and abroad to us. (Complex)

(c)   Newspaper is such a thing without which we cannot go a single day. (Simple)

(d)   It is one of the most important things. (Positive)

(e)   Isn't it a part and parcel in our day to-day life? (Assertive)

(f)     Newspaper has removed global distance. (Passive)

(g)   Society, art and culture are upheld by newspaper. (Active)

(h)  A newspaper is not without some disadvantages. (Affirmative)

(i)   Undoubledly newspaper is a useful thing. (Negative)

(j)   Newspaper has linked up one part of the world with another. (Interrogative)

50.    Holy Cross Girls' High School, Dhaka-2014  

(a)   Honesty is the best way of leading life through which one can get mental peace. (Simple)

(b)  It is a great rational virtue that leads a man to the way of humanity. (Compound)

(c)   Life of a man is not very peaceful but honesty can open a door of peace before him. (Complex)

(d)  An honest man is more respected that other men. (Positive)

(e)  No other person is as happy as he in the earth, and even after death. (Superlative)

(f)   He can perfume his life with the holy touch. (Passive)

(g)  He must be received heartily by everyone in his lifetime. (Active)

(h)  Everybody must be humble to him. (Negative)

(i)   What a wonderful life this is!. (Assertive)

(J)   Thus, we shall never be dishonest people. (Interrogative)

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