Unity Is Strength/Old man and his sons


Unity Is Strength 

Ans. Once there lived an old man in a village. He had three sons. They used to quarrel with one another. The old man was anxious of this matter. He was always in a gloomy mood. He thought how to stop the quarrel. The old man was intelligent. One day he found out a way to stop the quarrel. He made a plan.

he told his elder son to bring some sticks and to tie the sticks in a bundle. he told him to break the bundle. The elder son could not break the bundle. The same thing happened to the other two brothers.

Then the old man then untied the bundle and gave his each son a stick separately to break. All of them broke the sticks.

Then the old man said, “My boys, you are like the sticks. When the sticks were together, you were not able to break them but when they were separated, you could break them easily. Now if you continue your quarrel, everyone will get chance to harm you. Remember, unity is strength.

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