26 March, our Independence Day,


26 March,

26 March, our Independence Day, is the biggest state festival. The day is celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour. It is a national holiday. All offices, educational institutions, shops and factories remain closed on this day. The day begins with 31 gunshots.

Early in the morning the President and the Prime Minister on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Musoleum at Savar. Then diplomats, political parties, social and cultural organisations, and freedom fighters pay homage to the martyrs. People from all walks of life also come there with rallies and processions. There are several cultural programmes throughout the day highlighting the heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971.

The country also witness a smartly dressed parade of defence forces, border guards, police, ansars and the VDP (Village Defense Party) at the National Parade Ground near the National Parliament. In Bangabandhu Stadium, school children, scouts and girl guides take part in various displays to entertain thousands of spectators. The educational institutions also organise their individual programmes. Sports meets and tournaments are also organised on the day including the exciting boat race in the river Buriganga.

In the evening, all major public buildings are illuminated with colourful lights. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and other socio-cultural organisations hold cultural functions. Similar functions are also arranged in other places in the country.                                                                                                                                                            


Festival (†dm&wUf&j&)n-Drme; Syn- feast,  carnival; Ant- lamentation; Celebrate (†mwj‡eªBU&)vt-D`hvcb Kiv; Syn- commemorate, observe; Ant- ignore; Enthusiasm (Bb&_&BDwRA¨vRvg)n-Drmvn; Syn- eagerness, interest; Ant- apathy; Fervour (dvfv(i&))n-DÏxcbv; Syn- passion, dedication; Ant- indifference; On behalf of prep- c‡¶; Syn- in support of, in the interest of; Wreath (wi`)n-cy®•gvj¨; Syn- garland, laurel; Mausoleum (†gvmvwjAvg&)n-mgvwa; Syn- tomb, crypt; Diplomat (wWc­vg¨vU&)n-K‚UbxwZK; Syn- envoy; Homage (nvwgR)n-m¤§vb, kÖ×v; Syn- respect, reverence; Ant- disrespect; Martyr (gv:Uv(i&))n-kwn`; Syn- sacrifice; Throughout (_ª“AvDU)prep-mgMÖ; Syn- all over, across; Heroic (wn‡ivDBK&)adj-mvnmx, ex‡ivwPZ; Syn- daring, gallant; Ant- cowardly; Sacrifice (m¨vwµdvBm&)v-DrmM© Kiv; Syn- give up, lay down; Ant- defend; Witness (DBU&wbm&)vt-†`Lv; Syn- observe; Ant- miss; Smartly (¯§v:U&wj)adv-cwi”Qbœfv‡e; Syn- elegantly, stylishly; Ant- untidily; Various (†fAvwiAvm&)adj- wewfbœ; Syn- numerous, many; Ant- few; Display (wWm&‡c­B)v-cÖ`k©b Kiv; Syn- show; Ant- hide, conceal; Entertain (Gb&Uv‡UBb&)v-Avbw›`Z Kiv; Syn- amuse, interest; Ant- bore; Organize (IMvbvBR&)v-msMwVZ Kiv, MVb Kiv; Syn- arrange, manage; Ant- disorganise; Exciting (BK&mvBwUO&)adj-D‡ËRbvKi; Syn- thrilling, exhilarating; Ant- boring; Illuminate (Bj–wg‡bBU&)v-Av‡jvwKZ Kiv, Av‡jvKcvZ Kiv; Syn- brighten, lighten; Ant- darken; Including (BbK¬‚wWO&)prep-Aš@fz©³KiY; Syn- as well as, together with; Ant- excluding;

1.   Choose the best answer from the alternatives.                                                                                

      (a)   Independence Day is observed on ¾.

       (i) 16 December             (ii) 26 March                 (iii) 21 March                (iv) 21 February

      (b)   The day starts with ¾ gunshots.

       (i) 30                            (ii) 25                           (iii) 31                          (iv) 40

      (c)   The National Mausoleum is situated ¾.

       (i) at Mirpur            (ii) at Dhaka University        (iii) at Dhanmondi          (iv) at Savar

      (d)   The National Parade is held ¾.

       (i) at Mirpur Stadium                                          (ii) on the streets           

       (iii) at the National Parade Ground                       (iv) at Kamalapur

      (e)   What is the meaning of 'illuminate'?         

       (i) dark                          (ii) light                        (iii) abandon      (iv) to decorate with bright light

      (f)   Our biggest state festival is —.

       (i) Victory Day              (ii) Shaheed Day            (iii) Pahela Boishakh      (iv) Independence Day

      (g)   'Witness' means —.

       (i) follow                       (ii) observe                    (iii) watch                                (iv) look

Extra Questions :

      (h)   26 March is a/ an /the —.

             (i) Mother Language Day (ii) May Day            (iii) Independence Day (iv) Victory Day

      (i)    The day is celebrated — in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour.

             (i) every year after      (ii) every decade            (iii) every year           (iv) every century

      (j)   Different organisations — different programmes.

             (i) devise                   (ii) chalk out                 (iii) deform                (iv) spread out

      (k)   Various types of — are the main attractions of the day.

             (i) cultural programmes                                  (ii) social rituals         (iii) superstitious beliefs         (iv) parties

      (l)    The synonymous word of 'celebrate' is —.

             (i) observe                 (ii) present                    (iii) attend                  (iv) participate

      (m)  Public buildings are illuminated —.

             (i) in the afternoon     (ii) at night                   (iii) in the evening      (iv) in the morning.

      (n)   Boat race is held in the river —.

             (i) Tista                     (ii) Jamuna                   (iii) Buriganga            (iv) Meghna

2.   Answer the following questions :                                                                                                   

(a)  What is the biggest festival of our country? How does the celebration of the day begin?

(b)  Where is the National Mausoleum situated? Why was it built?

(c)  Who place floral wreaths at Savar on behalf of the nation? Why?

(d)  What happens in the Bangabandhu Stadium on this day?

(e)  Who organise cultural functions on this day?

Extra Questions :

(f)  How is 26 March celebrated in the country?

(g)  How do the important persons show tribute to the martyrs?

(h)  Write about the display by armed forces at the National Parade Ground.

(i)   How do educational institutions and students celebrate the day?

(j)   How do different organisations celebrate 26 March?

Mohammad Shahjahan


Kurmitola High School and College

English Language Trainer (Pavers Point, ETAB)

Executive Member , ETAB 

Contact : 01683288352

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