Model Test 1

 Part-A : Grammar (Marks 60)

1.   Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. Put a cross (´) where an article is not needed.         

0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Bangladesh is a land of (a) ¾ scenic beauty. (b) ¾ land, (c) ¾ rivers and the forest are d) ¾ sources of this beauty. Due to geographical position e) ¾ tourism business can flourish here. (f) ¾ wild animals of (g) ¾ Sundarbans are also (h) ¾ great asset. Tourism can play (i) ¾ vital role in national economy. But it is still in the tender age. So, we have to cross (j) ¾ long way.

2.   Complete the text with suitable preposition :                                                      0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Some people get pleasure (a) ¾ reading books. Reading books is a good habit. The pleasure (b) ¾ reading books is different (c) ¾ the pleasure of hearing songs. Books are our best companion (d) ¾ life. Reading books keeps us free (e) ¾ tension and anxiety. It gives relief (f) ¾ a while (g) ¾ our monotonous life. So, all (h) ¾ us should develop the habit (i) ¾ reading books (j) ¾ pleasure.

3.   Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box.         0×5 ´ 10 = 5


what if

was born

had better

as long as

let alone

have to

as if


as soon as

(a)  ¾ is really unfortunate for a boy like him to fail in the exam.

(b)  He cannot score a goal ¾ a hattrick.

(c)  His mother being sick, he needs to go home ¾ possible.

(d)  The manager says alone; it seems ¾ others had nothing to say.

(e)  No one is happy with her results. She ¾ understand it.

(f)   ¾ you lost your pen?

(g)  ¾ lived a clever fox in a jungle.

(h)  The poor will continue to suffer ¾ they are illiterate.

(i)   Zahir Raihan ¾ on 19 August, 1935 in Feni.

(j)   We ¾ educate all and work hard to develop our country.

4.   Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases :                                0×5 ´ 10 = 5

(a)  It is known to all that ¾. On the other hand, the lazy suffer in the long run.

(b)  We believed that ¾. He studied heart and soul.

(c)  No sooner had I got down from the train ¾. There were some important things in the luggage.

(d)  Though he was hungry ¾. He was suffering from stomach disorder.

(e)  The economy of Bangladesh is improving day by day. It is high time ¾.

(f)   Smoking is injurious to health. Those who smoke ¾.

(g)  Mr. Zamal is not a strong man. He cannot walk one mile at a stretch, let alone ¾.

(h)  I did not have enough wealth. ¾, I would have set up a hospital for the poor.

(i)   I was really surprised at his behaviour. He acted as if ¾.

(j)   He is not a wealthy man. He cannot buy a car. The car is too luxurious for ¾.

5.   Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context :

                                                                                                                                         0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Examination plays an important role in student life. It (a) ¾ (determine) the merit of the students. A pleasant performance in the examination (b) ¾ (require) for students to be (c) ¾ (promote) to the next class. Students (d) ¾ (expect) to be precise and accurate while (e) ¾ (answer) the questions in the examination. But the real scenario is different. Most of the students (f) ¾ (write) their examination paper fairly well as they (g) ¾ (understand) the questions properly. As a result they (h) ¾ (cut) a very sorry figure in the examination. If they (i) ¾ (be) correct in their answers, they certainly (j) ¾ (secure) good marks in the examination.

6.   Read the text and change the sentences as directed :                                                        5

(a)  Pahela Boishakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh (complex).

(b)  It is the first day of the Bengali year when the city roads get so jam packed (simple).

(c)  Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way (passive).

(d)  Although I do not like gathering, I enjoy the activities of the day (compound).

(e)  It is one of the most interesting days of the year (positive).

7.   Change the narrative style of the following text :                                                                5

"Why are your children crying, my daughter?" said the Caliph. "They have been starving" said the woman. "Have you nobody else in the world?" "My husband died some months ago. He left neither any money nor any property. So, they are in great distress. They have to starve sometimes." "Oh! Let me see how I can help you."

8.   Identify the unclear pronoun references in the passage to make them clear :                 5

A cook once roasted a duck for his master. It looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of the drumsticks. When he sat down to eat the meal, he quickly noticed the missing leg. He asked him what had happened to the other leg. He told him that it had only one leg. The master said that there was no such thing as one-legged duck but the cook insisted that every duck had only one leg. 

9.   Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blanks spaces : 0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Beauty is (a) ¾ (use determiner) criterion of art. But it is very difficult (b) ¾ (infinitive phrase) beauty. We may (c) ¾ (pre-modify the verb) appreciate it. Beauty may not be identified (d) ¾ (post-modify the verb) or objectively. It may depend on (e) ¾ (use possessive) sense of perception. Another problem is that ugliness has (f) ¾ (use possessive) beauty too. Now the question arises whether beauty and ugliness are the (g) ¾ (pre-modify the noun) parts of art. Poets and artists have infused both in (h) ¾ (use possessive) works. They say that (i) ¾ (use quantifier) truths are always object of beauty. There are two poems on beauty written by two poets of (j) ¾ (pre-modify the noun) ages.

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following :   0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Time and tide wait for none. (a) ¾ no one can stop the onward march of time. (b) ¾ we should not waste a single moment in vain. (c) ¾ we should make proper use of every single moment in our life. (d) ¾, the students should understand the value of time. It is a matter of great regret that some of the students pass away their valuable time in Facebook. (e) ¾, they kill their time foolishly. (f) ¾, they cannot prepare their lessons well. (g) ¾, they always have a poor preparation for the examination. (h) ¾, they cannot do well in the examination. (i) ¾, they do not stop wasting time. (j) ¾, they continue to waste time using Cell phone and Facebook till it is too late for them.  

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below :

0×5 ´ 10 = 5

A thing cannot become as precious as gold only by the way of glittering. People in general are charmed and attracted by outward show of things, not by their own merits. Gold is a bright precious metal and its value is recognized by all. Nevertheless, there are many metals cheaper than gold but look like it. They glitter for sometime but fade in course of time. They fascinate our eyes too. But their beauty and glamour do not last long. But gold is such a metal that it can stand the wear and tear of time and shine till the last moment of time. In our society, there are so many people who are outwardly very gentle and nice. But after a period of time, their real identity is revealed. They do not have intrinsic value and morality

(a)  precious (antonym)  (f) fascinate (synonym)

(b)  glitter (synonym)      (g) glamour (antonym)

(c)  attract (synonym)     (h) shine (antonym)

(d)  outward (antonym)   (i) intrinsic (synonym)

(e)  recognize (synonym) (j) morality (antonym)

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors :                                                                                                                0×5 ´ 10 = 5

are you brothers asked the mistress of the house turning to the dervishes no by allah they replied we are poor wanderers who met by mere chance then addressing one of the three she said were you born blind in one eye

Part-B : Composition (Marks 40)

13. Write an email to one of your intimate friends Anik/Anika inviting him/her to join a picnic.    8

14. Suppose you are a reporter of the Daily Prothom Alo. Now write a report on the Annual Cultural Programme and prize giving ceremony of your college.                                                                          8

15. Write a paragraph on "Your Visit to a Boishakhi Fair". Use 150 words.                             10

16.       Write a short composition on "Rivers of Bangladesh", Or "The Value of Time".
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