Model Test 2

 Part-A : Grammar (Marks 60)

1.   Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles. Put a cross (´) where an article is not needed.         

0×5 ´ 10 = 5

There is a saying that sincerity is (a) ¾ key to success. (b) ¾ person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) ¾ rules of sincerity can never go (d) ¾ long way in (e) ¾ world. Many (f) ¾ man is not conscious of (g) ¾ importance of (h) ¾ sincerity for which they don't have (i) ¾ benefit of (j) ¾ success. However, we should be sincere to our work if we want to achieve anything notable.

2.   Complete the text with suitable preposition :                                                      0×5 ´ 10 = 5

A teacher is an architect (a) ¾ a nation. He plays an important role (b) ¾ building up an educated nation. He dispels the darkness (c) ¾ ignorance (d) ¾ the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He has to suit his act according (e) ¾ the need of his audience which is his class. He is a clear speaker (f) ¾ good, strong and pleasing voice which is (g) ¾ his control. He does not sit motionless (h) ¾ his class. Everybody has something valuable (i) ¾ him. A good teacher discovers the treasure hidden inside each student. He also wants the students happy and for this he keeps them busy. A good teacher never hankers (j) ¾ money.

3.   Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box.         0×5 ´ 10 = 5

      was born, would you mind, there, would rather, what does ¾ look like, as if, let alone, had better, have to, as soon as, used to

(a)  Did you ¾ smoke? Smoking is injurious to health.

(b)  The Bangladeshi cricketers have done well in the world cup. They ¾ struggle more to win the world cup.

(c)  ¾ the earth ¾ ? It is not completely round.

(d)  I ¾ walk than get on the bus. This time the bus is very crowded.

(e)  ¾ I reached the station, the train left. Really I was lucky.

(f)   Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah was a great linguist. He ¾ in 1885 AD.

(g)  He acts ¾ he were rich. So nobody likes him.

(h)  You look sick. You ¾ go home immediately.

(i)   ¾ was a boy at the door. He wanted to talk to me.

(j)   ¾ eating sea fish? I think you will enjoy a lot.

4.   Complete the sentences using suitable clauses/ phrases :                                0×5 ´ 10 = 5

(a)  Industry is the key to success. If you work hard, ¾.

(b)  Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time ¾.

(c)  Abul is an HSC candidate. He is studying hard lest ¾.

(d)  Birds fly in the sky. I wish ¾.

(e)  There are a good number of reasons why ¾. That English is a foreign language is the main reason.

(f)   No sooner had we reached there ¾. Unless we went there earlier, we would miss the beginning of the program.

(g)  A man is known by the company he keeps. So, it is not ¾.

(h)  Dulal Sheikh is a quack. He behaves as if ¾.

(i)   It is very cold outside. You had better ¾.

(j)   My childhood was full of joys and happiness. Would that ¾.

5.   Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context :    

0×5 ´ 10 = 5

One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy, Bayazid Bostami was busy in study. His mother (a) ¾ (sleep). Suddenly she woke up and (b) ¾ (feel) thirsty. (c) ¾ (call) her son, she told him to give her a glass of water and (d) ¾ (fall) asleep again. When Bayazid went to the pitcher, he (e) ¾ (find) it empty. So, he went out with the pitcher in search of water. After a while he (f) ¾ (come) back home with water and found his mother (g) ¾ (sleep). Then he waited (h) ¾ (stand) by her bed with the glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i) ¾ (wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw him standing with a glass of water. At once she (j) ¾ (not understand) what the matter was.

6.   Read the text and change the sentences as directed :                                                        5

(a)  Cricket is a very exciting game (Exclamatory).

(b)  People of all ages enjoy this game (Passive).

(c)  At present cricket is the most popular game in our country (Positive).

(d)  Bangladesh is now one of the strongest cricket playing nations (Comparative). Test cricket is time consuming.

(e)  So, we are fond of watching 'twenty twenty' cricket (Negative).

7.   Change the narrative style of the following text :                                                                5

"Where do you like to visit, sir?" asked the ticket seller. "I like to visit Chittagong," said the stranger. "How many tickets do you need?" asked he. The stranger replied, "Five tickets." "They will cost two thousand taka," said the ticket seller.

8.   Identify the unclear pronoun references in the passage to make them clear :                 5

A teacher who devotes him to the task of teaching his students is an ideal teacher. He is a very important person in any society or country. He dispels the darkness of ignorance from the minds of them and enkindles the light of education in them. He helps his students in learning their lessons. The teacher teaches him to follow the path of truth and avoid the path of vice. It may protect one from going astray. He is, in fact, a friend, philosopher and guide to the students. That is why, he is considered one of the most important persons of the society and of the nation. He is also regarded as a guardian of civilization.

9.   Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blanks spaces : 0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Most of the people in (a) ¾ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country do not know the importance of English. In fact, it is an (b) ¾ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) language and we are living in a (c) ¾ (pre-modify the noun) village. So, if you know English (d) ¾ (post-modify the verb with an adverb), you can communicate with (e) ¾ (use an article) rest of the world. It is surely an important element of your (f) ¾ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) skill. Without the knowledge of English with proper understanding, you cannot complete (g) ¾ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) higher studies because most of the books are written in English in the process of higher education. Poor knowledge of English will also hamper your (h) ¾ (use a noun adjective) development. In short, if you do not have a good command of English, you will suffer (i) ¾ (post modify the verb with a prepositional phrase) of your life. So, don't waste your time and try to learn English (j) ¾ (post modify the verb with an adverb) from today.

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following :   0×5 ´ 10 = 5

In our country women are the worst sufferers of social prejudices. (a) ¾, when a female child is born, it is not regarded as a happy moment. (b) ¾ she is not welcome with the deep warmth of heart. (c) ¾ the male members think that she has come to add to their misery. (d) ¾ the mother of the female child is not welcome cordially for giving birth to a female child. (e) ¾ she is held in great contempt. Obviously there are many reasons behind the social superstition. (f) ¾ she is regarded as a great liability to be got rid of as soon as possible. (g) ¾, her parents try to find a husband for her even before she attains physical and mental maturity. (h) ¾ her parents think that she won't be able to contribute to the income of her parents family. (i) ¾, they are not willing to spend money for her education. (j) ¾, girls are totally denied of the opportunities of education. 

11. Read the passage and write the antonyms and synonym of the words as directed below :

                                                                                                                                         0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Our freedom fighters are the real heroes of our country. We should remember them as they sacrificed their lives for the cause of motherland. It is a matter of joy that our young generation now knows a lot about their valiant struggle. Many of the freedom fighters have been identified. They are getting their deserved honour. It is our duty not to harm them in any manner.

(a) fighter (synonym)   (f) neglected (synonym)

(b) hero (antonym)       (g) valiant (antonym)

(c) remember (antonym)    (h) many (antonym)

(d) matter (synonym)   (i) proper (synonym)

(e) joy (synonym)         (j) honour (synonym)

12. There are ten errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Re-write the text correcting the errors :                                                                                                                0×5 ´ 10 = 5

Student   : May I come in Sir?

Principal : Yes come in

Student   : Good morning Sir

Principal : Good morning how can I help you

Student   : Sir we would like to arrange a study tour

Principal : Its a great idea Ill appreciate it submit an application to me so that I can take step in favour of you.

Student   : Ok sir, Well write an application on behalf of the students.

Principal : Ok, see you

Student   : Thank you very much, Sir.

Principal : You're most welcome.

Part-B : Composition (Marks 40)

13. Write an application to the Principal of your college to take necessary steps for setting up multimedia classrooms in your college.                                                                                                        8

14. Suppose you are a reporter of a daily newspaper. Write a report on "Food Adulteration".   8

15. Write a paragraph mentioning the different causes of "Corruption" in Bangladesh and the possible solution to this social malady.                                                                                                                   10

16.       Is "Empowerment of Women" necessary in a democratic and free society? Give reasons for your answer.            
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