The class comes up with different problems.

 The class comes up with different problems.

Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-4: Lesson-3(C)

The class comes up with different problems. One group leader says, “The scarcity of food will be a serious problem. It is true that our agriculturists have developed new varieties of rice and its per acre production has definitely increased. But the rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth. This is because our land is fixed, i.e. we cannot increase it, while our population is increasing rapidly.”

Another group leader comes up with the housing problem in the country, which he says adds much to the food problem. He continues, “Families are growing larger in size and breaking into smaller families. Each such family needs a separate house to live in. Also the arable fields are being divided by these smaller families among themselves. Mills and factories are being set up, which occupy a considerable portion of our land. So when we need more land to grow more food to feed more mouths, our land is shrinking day by day. If our population grows at the present rate, a day will come when many people will not find any land to build a house on. And, as a result, many of them might live on trees or on the floating boats in the rivers.”

 “No way,” another student argues. “Trees are being cut, hills are being cleared and water bodies are being filled up --- all to meet the needs of too many people.”

“Thank you students,” Ms Choudhury says, “You’re quite right. Let me tell you about this village where I was born and brought up.  Things were not like this in the past. I remember as a child, the village was so beautiful! The green paddy fields and yellow mustard fields seemed to be unending. They used to wave and dance in the breeze. There used to be a wood in the northern side of the village. There was a tall tamarind tree in the middle of the wood. Also a big banyan tree looked like a huge green umbrella, with its aerial roots hanging down. I often used to go there with my age-mates. We would often have picnic there. While the boys would climb the tamarind tree and pick some tamarinds, me and my best friend Rima used to swing with the roots. But now, look, the wood is gone. The beauty of the crop fields is spoiled by the unplanned houses built here and there.”


Scarcity (‡¯‹qviwmwU) n.- when something is not easy to find or get; AKvj| Serious (wmwiqvm) adj.- severe in effect; gvivZ¥K| Agriculturist (GMwiKvjPvwi÷) n.- expert in agriculture; K…wlwe`| Production (‡cÖvWvKkb) n.- the process of growing or making food, goods or materials; Drcv`b| Rapidly (i¨vwcWwj) adv.- very quickly; `ª“ZZvi mv‡_| Arable (A¨vivej) adj.- fit for cultivation;Pvl‡hvM¨| Occupy (AwKDcvB) v.- to hold in possession of; `Lj Kiv| Considerable (KbwmWvi¨ej) adj.- having some importance; ¸i“Z¡c~Y©| Portion (‡cvikb) n.- a part of something; Ask| Shrink (wkªsK) v.- become or make smaller in size or amount; msKzwPZ Kiv| Floating (‡d¬ŠwUs) adj.- not settled  permanently; fvmgvb|  Unplanned (Avbc­¨vbW) adj.- without any plan; AcwiKwíZ|

1.     Choose the best answer from the alternatives.                                                               1×7=7

        a.     The green paddy fields and yellow mustard fields would −in the breeze.

                (i) play                     (ii) sing                        (iii) laugh                     (iv) shake themselves

        b.     In the wood, there was a − tree.

                (i) tall tamarind        (ii) tamarind                 (iii) coconut                 (iv) mango

        c.     Ms Choudhury often used to go there with −.

                (i) his ago- mates     (ii) her age- mates        (iii) his friends             (iv) friends

        d.     Rima was − friend to Ms Choudhury.

                (i) more dear            (ii) the most dear          (iii) very dear               (iv) dear

        e.     Ms Choudhury was horn and brought up in a −.

                (i) village                 (ii) town                       (iii) slum                      (iv) city

        f.      The rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth. The sentence means that the food production is ¾.

                (i) as much as needed                                  (ii) less than what is needed

                (iii) more than what is needed                      (iv) sufficient for the population

        g.     Many people may have to live on trees, because ¾.

                (i) they would like tree houses                     (ii) making houses on trees is less expensive

                (iii) they may not find land to make houses (iv) tree houses are safer during floods

        Extra Practices

        h.     People cut trees to ¾.

                (i) plant more trees                                       (ii) keep the environment clean

                (iii) make articles of furniture                      (iv) grow crops or make houses

        i.      Our land is shrink day by day because ¾.

                (i) families are growing larger in size.

                (ii) houses and factories are being built on it.

                (iii) smaller families need smaller houses.

                (iv) land grabbers are occupying a portion of our land.

        j.      How can our housing problem increase or add to our food problem?

                (i) After making houses farmers do not have enough time to work in the field.

                (ii) After making houses, farmers do not have enough money to buy food.

                (iii) If you do not have a house, you cannot store your food.

                (iv) For making too many houses, people are using the crop land.

        k.     The rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth. The sentence means that the food production ¾.

                (i)     is as much as needed                           (ii)    is less than what is needed

                (iii)   is more than what is needed                 (iv)   is sufficient for the population

        l.      How can our housing problem increase or add to our food problem?

                (i)     After making houses, farmers do not have enough time to work in the field.

                (ii)    After making houses, farmers do not have money to buy food.

                (iii)   If you do not have a house, you cannot store your food.

                (iv)   For making too many houses, people are using the crop land.

        m.    What makes our land shrink day by day?

                (i)     Families are growing larger in size       (ii)    Houses and factories are being built on it

                (iii)   Smaller families need smaller house    (iv)   Land grabbers are occupying a portion of our land

        n.     Many people have to live on trees, because——.

                (i)     They would like free houses                (ii)    making houses on trees is less expensive

                (iii)   They may not find land to make houses. (iv)                          Trees and houses are safer during floods

        o.     People are cutting trees to——.

                (i)     grow crops or make houses                 (ii)    plant more trees

                (iii)   keep the environment clean                 (iv)   make articles of furniture

        p.     What will be a serious problem?

                (i)     housing            (ii)    clothing                (iii)   treatment              (iv)   scarcity of food

        q.     Who have developed new varieties of rice and its production?

                (i)     the cultivators  (ii)    the peasants         (iii)   the scientists        (iv)   the agriculturists

2.     Answer the following questions.                                                                                  2×5 = 10

        a.     What will happen when people find no land to build a house on?

        b.     Why cannot the rate of increase in food production keep pace with the rate of population growth?

        c.     What will happen if our population grows at the present rate?

        d.     What makes our land shrink day by day?

        e.     Why is the beauty of the crop fields spoiled?

        Extra Practices

        f.      What does the other group leader come up with?

        g.     Why are water bodies being filled up?

        h.     Where was a tall tamarind tree?

        i.      What did the boys do?

        j.      What are being divided?

Mohammad Shahjahan


Kurmitola High School and College

English Language Trainer (Pavers Point, ETAB)

Executive Member , ETAB 

Contact : 01683288352

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